購入者のコメント : この種の商品(模型)は直接スポンジに触れて包むのでなく、柔らかい紙とかビニールに包みないと塗装面にスポンジが付いてしまいます。ご注意を。商品自体は全体に写真の通りでしたが、安全弁・蒸気排気管の一部が取れていました。
Generally speaking,brass model shall be enveloped by some soft papers or vinyl sheets in order to anti-corrosion painted brass on models. Next time you should like to envelope by some protection sheets.
Safety valve and steam/water vapor piping
ware off on account of pour soldering.
Total locomotive and tender including aux. tender is good.
Generally speaking,brass model shall be enveloped by some soft papers or vinyl sheets in order to anti-corrosion painted brass on models. Next time you should like to envelope by some protection sheets.
Safety valve and steam/water vapor piping ware off on account of pour soldering.
Total locomotive and tender brass model including aux. tender is good.